Monza Nova 2 Seatfix

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So niedrig wie 239,00 €

Even the smallest of travellers already have their own taste in music – sure. As such, the Monza Nova 2 SF has something very special to offer: an integrated Sound System with loudspeaker and audio connection. ADAC and Stiftung Warentest gave the secure entertainer a test score of 1.8. Here the little ones can listen to their favourite song.

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Name Monza Nova 2 Seatfix
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Even the smallest of travellers already have their own taste in music – sure. As such, the Monza Nova 2 SF has something very special to offer: an integrated Sound System with loudspeaker and audio connection. ADAC and Stiftung Warentest gave the secure entertainer a test score of 1.8. Here the little ones can listen to their favourite song.

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